This comprehensive solution for key management is the first of its kind and it provides a strong foundation for the Iryo Network to stay usable while offering unprecedented privacy and security guarantees. These guarantees are not based on high-risk, centralised trust but instead the Iryo Network distributes access to the ‘edge’ of the platform, to people who care the most about the data.
In the spirit of the bitcoin, Iryo Network removes the need for (patient) identity, replaces it with mathematical control over his medical data. This allows Iryo Network to bypass traps associated with stolen identity, phishing attacks and avoids liability with verification of the identity (false positives, false negatives, missing the data on the patient).
Patient > Doctor > Clinic dynamics keep the system honest. Secure and private and allows the system to finally scale over international borders bringing an unprecedented network-effect to fruition. This historically fragmented industry can finally start building on top of open Iryo Network and start serving patients instead of going through yet another round of interoperability nightmares.
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